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Policy Privacy

From Travel Melon S.L. (BEDER) we are committed in defending the rights of personal data protection of our customers and contacts therefore we publish this information, in order to inform properly:

Of your rights and use of this website BEFORE providing the data;

Of the measures that guarantee the protection and integrity of the data;

So that the consent prior to the submission of data on your part may be duly substantiated

All this fulfilling with all the obligations legally provided in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Data Protection (LOPD), in its Development Regulation 1720/2007, of December 21 and in the European Regulation of Data Protection (RGPD), as well as all Spanish and European regulations applicable to this matter.

Therefore, any user who wants information, must necessarily mark the option, read and accepted the website’s privacy policy, the legal warning and the cookies policy.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Corporate identity: Travel Melon S.L. (BEDER)

CIF: B02838506

Mailing address: Street la Llacuna, 162, 08018 Barcelona (SPAIN)


Social Media:

2. What personal data do we process and for what purpose?

  • • Identifying data in the application (name, email, user, password). Its purpose is to identify you in the application and be a member of BEDER. The user and password are a basic security measure so that a third party does not usurp your identity in the application.

  • • Location data provided by the user of the application: The purpose is to better describe the trip you are doing and the places you visit, so that other members of the community can know or even take it as a possible route for future travels. You will be the one to tell us where you are, through the native location system of your device and it will link with the Google Maps application ( to locate your location or route whenever you want.

  • • Videos or images that users decide to share with the community that the user extracts from his mobile phone gallery.

  • • Videos or images from the web or videos or images from private locations that the user posts. The private capture is within the domestic sphere, so the personal data protection regulations do not apply, but the moment you share or disseminate third-party information or third-party material, you are responsible for having obtained the necessary permissions to do so beforehand.

  • • Comments and contributions that users can post on the application and that may involve personal data for the content they provide. In this case the purpose of this treatment is to manage their participation within BEDER’s community.

  • • Publication and sharing on social media (User, location). Any Tik-Tok or Instagram user outside of the BEDER community but who wants us to post or share certain images published on those platforms will only have to use our corporate hashtags or tag us in their posts. The purpose of this point lies in BEDER’s legitimate interest to get to know more members of the community and be able to share their activity based on the previous relationship established by the use of corporate hashtags and tags of our profile on social media.

  • • Optionally, you may request to receive periodic information related to the BEDER community via NEWSLETTER. In this case the purpose is to be able to maintain a continuous relationship with members, who have expressly ticked this option.

  • • Additionally we inform that BEDER will count on a data history (name, email, user). This is necessary to be able to have a history of the users which will allow for subsequent proceedings.

  • • Data that may indirectly provide information of a personal nature, derived from the activation of cookies and similar applications (IP addresses, browsing preferences, etc.).

This personal information may be collected through the following platforms:

  • • BEDER App

  • • BEDER Web – Collection of data restricted to identifying data.

Once collected, your data becomes part of a treatment to which the corresponding security measures are applied.

3. How long will we keep your data?

The personal data collected through the BEDER APP will be kept for the duration of time necessary to be able to carry out the procedure for which it was provided and for the fulfilment of legal obligations. Once the procedures are completed, the basic contact information will stay in BEDER database, to allow for subsequent proceedings. Once the relationship has finished they will be blocked only in order to comply with the possible legal obligations.

When you decide to unsubscribe as a user, your videos, albums and locations will be kept temporarily, in case you decide to use our application again. Therefore, we will keep this type of information for 90 days. Once this period has elapsed, we will proceed to delete it, keeping only the basic user data for historical purposes.

4. What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

Legally we can treat the data we request from you once you´ve given us your consent to do so. This happens when you consent by expressly creating a profile in beder after having being informed of our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.

In general, in order to access our application, you must accept our terms of service, as well as having read our privacy policy, cookies and other related legal texts.

In the case of the archive and the sharing and publication of videos or images on social media. In the first scenario basis of this point lies in BEDER’s legitimate interest to provide a good service to users and manage the relationship with them, as well as guaranteeing the safety of users. For the second scenario, BEDER has legitimate interest in getting to know more members of the community and share their activity based on the previous relationship established by the use of corporate hashtags and tags of our profile on social media.

Finally, you allow us to make public those videos that you share in our app by expressly posting them. 

5. Is your data communicated to other recipients?

The data that you enter in the website will not be communicated to other entities, except for legal imperative or to be able to give fulfillment to the reason for which they were provided.

The BEDER app makes use of third-party tools, which make it possible to integrate the utilities and tools you can enjoy:

Within our application you can activate different features such as the location, push notifications or access to your gallery upon personal selection. The data collected upon activation of these functions will be treated in the same way as the rest of the information collected via our forms.

Your data can be collected via forms on our website which are hosted on the AMAZON WEB SERVICES servers, located in the USA. This company despite being outside of the European Union is subject to the Privacy Shield to guarantee the protection of information. You can consult their privacy policy at:

6. What rights do you have when you provide us with your information?

Right of information
You have the right to be informed clearly BEFORE your data is collected about what data is being treated, with what purpose they are treated, where they have obtained the data and if they are going to communicate it or have communicated it to someone.

Right of access
To know which of your data is being treated, for what purpose, where they have obtained the data and if they are going to communicate it or have communicated it to someone.

Right of rectification
To modify your inaccurate or incomplete data.

Right of deletion
to cancel/delete your inappropriate or excessive data

Right of cancellation
To cancel your inadequate or excessive data.


Right of opposition

To prevent your data from being treated or to stop being treated, only in the cases established by law.

Right of treatment limitation

To request the non-use of data treatment in the cases established by law.


Right to data portability

To be able to receive your data provided in a structured electronic format for normal use and in order to be able to transmit them to the person in charge.


Right not to be the subject of individualized decisions

In order to not make a decision about you that produces legal effects or affects you based only on the treatment of your data. 

7. How can you exercise your rights?

To exercise any of your rights you must request it to the email including:

1.- Photocopy of the ID Number (passport or other identity document) or electronic signature.

2.- Content of the request you make and, if necessary, the documents that prove it.

3.- Address (for notification purposes), date and signature

If you exercise your rights by a voluntarily appointed representative, you must provide the document or electronic instrument that proves the representation.

In the event that the owner of the data is a under-age or disabled, the rights will be exercised by their duly accredited legal representative.

8. What can you do if your rights have not been catered?

In case you consider that we have not satisfied your request, you can submit a claim to the Spanish Agency forData Protection in the section of its website: /reclamation.Rights.jsf 

9. Links to other websites

This privacy policy only applies to personal data collected through our website, but this website contains links to other websites so the Center is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites.

That is, when you click on one of these links you are leaving our website, so you should read the privacy policies of those other websites that collect personal data.

If you want more information, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection has published a citizen’s guide, you can access it at: 

10. Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 14. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 14 years of age. In the case we discover that a child under 14 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to do the necessary actions. 

11. For Californian users

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requires us to disclose the categories of personal information we collect and how we use it, the categories of sources from which we collect personal information, and the third parties with whom we share it. We have disclosed this information throughout this document in Sections 2 and below.

We must also communicate information about the rights California residents have under California law. You may exercise the following rights:

  • • Right to information and access. You can submit a verifiable request for information on:

  1. • the categories of personal information we collect, use or share;

    1. • the purposes for which we collect or use categories of personal information;

    2. • the categories of sources from which we collect personal information;

    3. • specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.
      • • Right to equal services. We will not discriminate against you if you choose to exercise your privacy rights.

      • • Right to delete. You can submit a verifiable request to close your account, and we will delete your personal information that we have collected.

      • • Right not to have your information traded: We do not sell our users’ personal information.

      • • Possibility of exercising your rights yourself or through a duly accredited person representing you.

  • • The contact address through which you can exercise your rights is

12. Data Protection Policy that applies to citizens of Brazil

  • The LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) is Brazil’s federal data protection law that regulates all types of personal data processing in the country. It was passed in August 2018 and entered into force in August 2020. The LGPD grants individuals within Brazil nine enforceable rights over their own personal data.

    They can be found in Article 18 and give individuals rights to:

    1. • Confirmation of the existence of the processing of your data.

    2. • Access to your data

    3. • Correct incomplete, inaccurate or outdated information.

    4. • Anonymise, block or delete unnecessary or excessive data that is not being processed in accordance with the GDPR.

    5. • Make your data portable, i.e. it can be provided to another service or processor on request.

    6. • Have your data deleted.

    7. • Information on public or private entities with which the controller has shared data.

    8. • Information on the possibility of withholding consent and consequences.

    9. • Withdraw consent

    In addition, it establishes ten legal bases for processing personal data, those which correspond to the data processing carried out by beder and which are described in the previous sections of this document are marked in bold:

    1. The consent of the data subject.

    2. For compliance with the controller’s legal or regulatory obligation.

    3. For the implementation of public policies provided for in laws or regulations, or based on contracts, agreements or similar instruments.

    4. For the performance of studies carried out by research entities that guarantee, whenever possible, the anonymisation of personal data.

    5. For the performance of a contract or preliminary proceedings relating to the performance of a contract to which the person concerned is a party.

    6. For the exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings (where it concerns the parties)

    7. For the protection of the life or physical safety of the data subject or of a third party.

    8. For the protection of health, in a procedure carried out by health professionals or health institutions.

    9. To serve the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except where the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject require that the protection of his or her personal data takes precedence.

    10. For credit protection


    In the case of consent, it shall be express and unambiguous, being detailed.

    You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to 

13. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. 

This policy is effective as of 2023-08-17 

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